
by PayEasy 康迅數位



PayEasy is the nation’s largest corporate welfare network, which integrates domestic and foreign reservations, home appliances, 3Cs, gift certificates, travel, home, and thousands of special stores. [Join the ranks of happy enterprises. Benefits are in place at one time] and easily enjoy all-round employee benefits.

PayEasy是全國最大企業福利網,集合國內外訂房、家電、3C、禮券、旅遊、居家、萬家特約商店,【加入幸福企業行列‧福利一次到位】輕鬆享有全方位員工福利。※主要功能說明:1. 網路購物:讓您買的方便又安心,登入福利網會員還有專屬福利價。2. 電子憑證:立即買、立即使用,不用等紙本票券寄送喔!3. 訂房服務:提供全球32萬家飯店及民宿訂房優惠,福利網會員還有專屬回饋!4. 收藏:將「店家、優惠與商品」加入收藏,使用更方便。5. 特約商店:提供萬家店家特約優惠,幫您省荷包,指定店家還有VIP專屬優惠,讓您享受尊榮禮遇。6. 店家評論:分享您的消費感想,也能看看其他人怎麼評論您有興趣的店家,還可按讚和留言喔!PayEasy is the nation’s largest corporate welfare network, which integrates domestic and foreign reservations, home appliances, 3Cs, gift certificates, travel, home, and thousands of special stores. [Join the ranks of happy enterprises. Benefits are in place at one time] and easily enjoy all-round employee benefits.※Main function description:1. Online shopping: It is convenient and safe for you to buy, and there are exclusive welfare prices for members who log in to Electronic voucher: buy and use immediately, no need to wait for the paper ticket to be sent!3. Reservation Service: Provide discounts for 320,000 hotels and homestays around the world. members also have exclusive rewards!4. Collection: Add "stores, discounts and merchandise" to the collection, which is more convenient to use.5. Special Stores: Provide special discounts from 10,000 stores to help you save money. There are also VIP exclusive discounts at designated stores, allowing you to enjoy honorable treatments.6. Store reviews: Share your thoughts about consumption and see how other people comment on the stores you are interested in. You can also click like and leave a message!※ 已知問題修正。感謝你持續支持PayEasy,我們會時常更新APP,為提供最好的使用體驗,請立即安裝最新版本。

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Lowest price and many items to choose from.

Melba David

一直覺得 起始畫面 點進去賣場時 會卡頓,長期的問題了,舊手機如此,換新手機一樣如此(任何網路環境都是),推斷是 app 問題。

Hu Luke

i cant open my account. what should i do ?

nesczy nes

完成更新app後一直跳有新版本,請先更新視窗 不給購物直接發布通知暫時無法使用不是更好?

Yi Cheng Lin


Ausmus Chang


lollo Su

Since last update stuck on the start splash screen ... I waited plenty of time, more than an hour. The issue is not the network speed. Using the same network, installed on the tablet it works. It seems to be not compatible with the phone. ASUS_Z01 MDA, Android 7.1.1

Davide T.

Hello... ask for help These can't be delivered in convenience store like 7-11 or family mart?

Ryan Lorica

非常好用,但廣告超多,本身是購物軟體了,但自己的行銷廣告卻常常灌爆使用者mail, 必須要全部關閉通知才敢login,與其這樣無效的廣告,不如好好經營購物平台,回饋消費者。

Dennis Lin

can someone help me? ive sent an email regarding the about my problem with payeasy but there is no reply.

Nnie Ann